You're in! Now it's time to get to the heart of OnLoop: the Capture. When is a good time to Capture? In a nutshell: when someone or something stood out to you, and you don't want to forget.
What is a Capture?
A Capture a way to quickly, well, capture wins and frustrations in-the-moment so you don’t forget them.
We've got 3 types of Captures:
- Celebrates are things you want to see more of
- Improves are things that you or others could work on to be even better
- Goals are longer-term skills to acquire, outputs to generate, targets to hit, etc.
Capture a Celebrate
When might you make a Celebrate Capture?
Celebrate your directs or your teammates:
- Right after a big meeting or 1:1, when a teammate does or says something stellar
- When you feel the need to commend someone
- As a way to remember the little things, like when someone always makes people feel heard or brings a calming energy to the team
- When you want to say more than just “great work”
Celebrate yourself:
- When you think, “Wow, I really nailed that”
- When someone compliments you or shares positive feedback
- When you made a positive change based on feedback you received
How to make a Celebrate Capture
Since Captures are the foundation of OnLoop, you’ll find many ways to make them throughout the app. From the Home page next to each connected colleague, by tapping Add Capture on any individual’s profile, and of course, on the toolbar at the bottom of almost all OnLoop screens.

From there, follow these steps:
Find the colleague you’d like to make a Capture on (Hint: this could be yourself)
Select the type of Capture you’d like to make, in this case a Celebrate
Jot down your feedback, considering these three prompts:
- What was the situation?
- What behavior did you notice?
- How did it impact you?
Be as brief or detailed as you like!
Select your tag category. We’ve gotten you started with our signature categories including Execution, Others Orientation, Influence, Growth Mindset, Intellectual Rigor, Authentic Self and Subject Matter Expertise.
🚀 Tip: If you or a colleague has set up your company values as tags, you’ll also find them here!
Select a specific tag by tapping it—or create your own!
🚀 Tip: Tap and hold any tag or tag category to learn more about it.
Choose how you want to share your Capture:
- Save it privately for yourself (Tip: Everything in OnLoop is private by default! You decide if and when to share)
- Make your colleague’s day by sharing it with them right away (and wait for their reply when they do!)
- If the Capture is on yourself, share it right away with your manager.

Congrats! That's your first Capture down.
Capture an Improve
When might you make an Improve Capture?
On your directs or your teammates:
- When the impact of someone’s actions makes the day harder
- When you think of something small that can help someone become even better at work
- To help your team spot—and grow from—their mistakes
On yourself:
- When you realize, “Ugh, I know I can do better”
- To ensure you never make the same mistake twice
- When someone shares constructive feedback with you
How to make an Improve Capture
The same way you'd make a Celebrate! ☝️
Capture a Goal
When might you make a Goal Capture?
On your directs:
- To provide structure for growth and learning while placing it in your direct’s hands
- To set clear, attainable goals with intuitive steps on how to reach them
- To motivate your team to keep getting better
On yourself:
- To keep getting better
- To hold yourself accountable while getting constructive feedback from your manager
- To structure your growth and learning in a rewarding, intuitive way